Pinochle io
Pinochle io

pinochle io

Though points are not counted during the play, a mental count is kept, and whenever a player sees that, by adding the value of his " melds " to what he thinks his cards will count, he has enough to win the game, namely woo points, he " calls out " or knocks on the table, and proceeds to expose his cards. Ace counts 11 points, ten 10, king 4, queen 3, and knave 2, whatever the suit, so that 240 points for " cards " are divided between the two players. for the five highest cards in each ,suit, which after all the tricks have been played, are counted for the player holding them. A failure to do this is a " revoke " and is penalized by the loss of all points made by " cards," i.e. The last twelve tricks are then played, but now both players must follow suit and must win the trick if possible, either with a superior card or a trump. When this happens all announcements cease, and all cards exposed are replaced in the hands. All combinations " melded " must be laid face upward on the table but still belong to the player's hand, though they may not be taken up until the stock has given out. Playing, announcing, and drawing then go on until the stock is exhausted. After he has " melded," or refused to do so, he draws a card from the top of the stock and adds it to his hand without showing it, his adversary doing the same, so that each player continues to hold twelve cards. The winner of the trick leads again, before which, however, he may " meld " any one combination he holds.

pinochle io

There is no obligation either to take, follow suit or trump. The non-dealer leads a card, to which the dealer plays.

pinochle io

In single pinochle (two players) each player receives twelve cards, four at a time, the twenty-fifth being turned up beside the stock for trumps. Of the third class the " melds " are: four aces of different suits, loo four kings of different suits, 80 four queens of different suits, 60 four knaves of different suits, 40 eight aces, 1000 eight kings, 800 eight queens, 600 eight knaves, 400. In the second class the " melds " are " pinochle " (queen of spades and knave of diamonds), 40 " double pinochle " (both queens of spades and knaves of diamonds), Soo " grand pinochle " (king and queen of spades and knave of diamonds), 80 this `` meld " is not often played in America. They are of three classes: (1) " marriages " and " sequences," (2) " pinochles," and (3) " fours." The " melds " of the first class score as follows: " marriage " (king and queen of any plain suit), 20 " royal marriage " (king and queen of trumps), 40 " sequence " (the five highest trumps), 150. melden, to announce), as used in pinochle, means " to declare." " Melds " are combinations which are declared during the play of the hands. The nine counts nothing unless it be turned for trumps, when it scores io. The cards rank as follows: ace 11, ten 10, king 4, queen 3, knave 2. The object of the game is to make 1000 points. Two packs, from which all cards below the nines have been deleted, are shuffled together, forming one pack of 48 cards. Pinochle may be played by two, three or four persons. It bears a general resemblance to Bezique, and has almost entirely usurped the place of the older game in America. Pinochel or Binochel, of uncertain etymology), a game of cards probably invented by Germans in the United States about the middle of the 10th century.

Pinochle io